
Chiara Giovagnoli
Born in Viterbo in 1994, she began playing the violin at the age of seven under the guidance of Professor Laura Ammannato and Professor Giuliano Bisceglia. In 2004 took part in the International competition of Magliano Sabina (RI), ranking second in the category up to twelve years of age. In 2006 he became a member of the JuniOrchestra, at the National Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome until 2010. In 2013 Chiara obtained the Diploma in Violin at the G. Briccialdi Institute, under the guidance of Professor Alexandra Stefanato. In 2014 she attended the Master of High Specialization with Maestro Cristiano Rossi and in 2016 the Biennium of Violin, at the G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan, under the guidance of Professor Cinzia Barbagelata. Chiara regularly collaborates with the orchestra of the Accademia del Teatro alla Scala in Milan, with the Ensemble Testori and the Quartetto Contrasti.

Alessia Giuliani
She began her musical studies in 2001, at the string school of the Abruzzese Symphonic Institution, with Machiko Nagasawa. She subsequently enrolled at the "Alfredo Casella" Conservatory in L'Aquila, under the teaching of Maestra Liliana Bernardi and Maestro Gianfranco Lupidii. After moving to Milan, she continued her studies under the direction of Carlo de Martini. She has participated in several violin masterclasses, held by the masters: Luana de Rubeis, Daniele Orlando (permanent members of the orchestra "I Solisti Aquilani"), Karolina Michalska, Enkeleida Sheshaj (violin of the Teatro della Scala in Milan) and Liliana Bernardi. Chamber music plays a very important role in his career. She performs in various chamber ensembles, ranging from trio to octet, on occasions such as Cortili Aperti, Brera in Musica and Le Notti Trasfigurate. She has been collaborating with Esagramma since 2016, as a violin teacher in the Orchestral Specialization courses and as a violinist in the Symphony Orchestra.

Elisabetta Danelli
Elisabetta has been playing the violin since the age of 10 and, also supporting the study of the viola, she graduated in the latter instrument in 1992 at the Milan Conservatory. From 1993 to 1999 she plays in the Giuseppe Verdi Symphony Orchestra of Milan. She has collaborated and still collaborates with various symphonic orchestras, including the "Cantelli" and "Mozart" of Milan, the orchestras of the cities of Lecco, Como, Sanremo, "Omnia" of Brescia, Gallarate, Vercelli, "Arteviva", Afternoons Music and the ACAM orchestra
Elisabetta participated in some editions of the "Sanremo Festival" and, in recent years, in the RAI television broadcasts "Mettiamoci all'Opera" and "Crozza in Wonderland" first on LA7 and now on the NOVE channel (of which the orchestra is now part for 11 years).
In addition to her activity in symphonic orchestras, she also combines performances in small groups (Trios and Quartets of Classical or Pop style) and the teaching of the violin in private schools in Milan, as well as important recordings ("I Nomadi", Dolcenera, Mango).

Giacomo Molteni
He began studying the cello at the age of 12 at the "Claudio Abbado" Civic School of Music in Milan under the guidance of Maestro Alfredo Cicoria. He then continued his studies at the "Giuseppe Verdi" Conservatory in Milan where he graduated in 2013. He attended specialization courses under the guidance of Prof. Nicoletta Mainardi at the Campus degli Incamminati in Modigliana (FC); at the Concerts Agency Castello di Belveglio at San Marco di Castellabate (SA); at the Accademia dell'Annunciata in Abbiategrasso under the guidance of Maestro Marcello Scandelli; at ARPEM de l'Aquila under the guidance of Maestro Diego Liberati, obtaining scholarships. In 2015 he took part in an Australian tour with the "Auer String Quartet", performing in concert halls such as "Roslyn Packer" and "The Basement" in the city of Sydney.

Dario Bevacqua
Born in Milan in 1988, I started studying music with G. Guatteri and C. Pederiva at the G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan, where I graduated in viola. Since 2011 I have participated in the concert activity of the G. Verdi Conservatory; as part of the Conservatory's Production Orchestra I had the opportunity to perform a varied instrumental and operatic repertoire under the direction of internationally renowned artists. Since 2012 I have been collaborating continuously with Ensemble Hornpipe, active in the dissemination of the Italian and foreign musical repertoire for chamber music, quartet and small orchestra with particular attention to the rare performance repertoire.